Home energy
According to a study by Hampshire county council, the most impact we can have when reducing our carbon footprints is in home energy use. Most homes use fossil fuels for heating (natural gas, oil), and electric from the grid is 60% from fossil fuels. Switching to a green tarriff, investing in renewable energy devices, and insulating your home has a big impact on emissions, bills and comfort. Here are some ways to reduce your footprint:
Energy savings trust - Choose a 100% renewable energy tarrif, such as Ecotricity, Good energy, GEUK
Learn about insulation - Simple energy advice
The government run simple energy advice also has an energy efficiency calculator, advice on boilers, smart thermometers, heat pumps and solar panels.
The local Schools Energy Project loan solar thermal imaging cameras so you can see where your house is leaking heat.
For low carbon insulation options, look at wool, recycled plastic or hemp - thermafleece, or even cork. Here are other sustainable options, and why not try insulated wallpaper.