Carbon Footprint
Everything we do has a ‘carbon footprint’. What we eat, how we use energy, how we move around. Footprints are measured in tonnes of CO2e - which means carbon footprint equivalent. See this post for more detail on greenhouse gas emissions.
How to measure your footprint
Carbon independent have a very detailed footprint calculator
WWF have a calculator which is more approximate, but more simple to use
BBC uses a simple calculator for carbon footprint of individual foods
What to do next
The calculators show where your biggest reductions, and biggest carbon savings could be, whether in food, energy, transport, or ‘stuff’. Could you choose one thing to reduce this month?
Use the other resources on this page to see how to reduce your footprint in different areas, and join the New Forest National Park in their Climate and Nature challenge pledge!
Uncounted impact
Another area we can have a big impact is where we put our money, in pensions or banks - these institutions invest on our behalf.
Move your money shows you where your money is being invested, and helps you to move it
Bank Green monitors banks investments and ranks the most sustainable