‘Offsets’ refer to projects that aim to balance out carbon emissions by investing in activities that sequester carbon. For example, planting trees, conserving ecosystems, restoring oceans. The NFPA are looking at how the New Forest National Park can reach net zero with nature by enhancing it’s carbon sequestering potential and providing offsets for communities and businesses in the area.
An important thing to consider is how the activity will be protected: there is no point using tree planting to offset carbon emissions if the tree will be cut and burnt a year later. The NFPA will hopefully be protected for many years to come. Some individuals are also protecting the wildlife on their land from future removal.
It hard to sequester at the level we might need to combat the climate emergency. Conifers in the UK sequester approx. 13 KG CO2 per year, in their first 10 years of growth. After that, the rate slows. So, a return flight to South Africa, emitting 3 tonnes CO2 requires one year worth of growth from 230 young conifers.
Another complexity is that large scale monocrop planting for the sake of offsets contributes to biodiversity loss and species decline. The best is to reduce emissions as much and as soon as possible!
‘Real zero, not net zero’ is an urgent plea to businesses, governments and communities to reduce emissions at their source rather than relying on the precarious balance of reducing carbon through offsetting. Here is more detail on this debate.
For unavoidable emissions offsets, here are some useful calculators and projects:
World Land Trust: work with conserving tropical forests. Sir David Attenburgh is a patron
Woodland Trust: UK tree planting scheme (also has information of carbon sequestration potential of trees)
Climate Stewards: detailed offset calculator